Can Cycling Meet Your Fitness Needs?

Stationary bikes are a staple of the workout equipment world and cycling classes have seen a boom in popularity. You may wonder whether or not they deserve their reputation as both a timeless classic and the latest trend. Rest assured however, that the seemingly humble exercise bike offers a wealth of benefits that should not be overlooked even with a myriad of other cardio fitness options available.  

Here are just a few benefits of cycling: 

  • Improved cardiovascular health 
  • Versatile workout to meet any of your fitness goals 
  • Low impact nature minimizes wear on joints 
  • Helps stimulate the brain 

Not only can cycling suit many diverse fitness goals, but it also offers an excellent alternative to running or jogging for those looking to add more (or different) aerobic exercise to their routine.  

Cycling is an excellent way to improve cardiovascular health, as it increases your heart rate and can help reduce one’s risk of cardiovascular disease. It can also aid weight loss by helping burn calories. According to LiveStrong, moderate cycling for an hour will burn around 420 calories in a person weighing 125 lbs. If you weigh more or opt for a more intense workout, your calorie burn will be even higher! This makes cycling ideal for those looking to improve their health. 

Perhaps more compellingly, cycling offers a very versatile workout experience that can be easily adjusted to meet your needs. Adding resistance can help build muscle, while adding speed can help improve your distance or burn a few extra calories, and many bikes come with pre-programmed settings to help meet common goals fitness fans might have in mind. This can help both experienced and beginning fans to adapt their workout routine to suit their needs. 

The cycling experience is also an extremely accessible option, as it is low impact and can minimize the wear and tear on joints. This is excellent for those who may find themselves unable to do high impact routines, those recovering from some types of injuries (be sure to check in with your doctor!), or those who may want to mix up their routines to reduce soreness.  

For those over the age of 65, this type of cardio is especially good, not only because of the low impact nature, but also to help stimulate the brain and reduce the risk of degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s. 

If you’re ready to find out why cycling has remained a fitness classic for so many years, be sure to give it a try. With over 20 years of experience and results in Anaheim Hills, we can help get you on the right track to meeting your fitness goals. Questions or concerns? Give us a call today at (714)-282-9400.

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